Why do you have to wake up at 5 in the morning?

At first, waking up at 5 in the morning may seem difficult and annoying, but once you start practicing waking up at 5 in the morning, your day will be much more productive than others and you will be amazing everywhere.

Deep in the morning, our brain secretes dopamine which makes us happy. In the morning we can concentrate on any task and work on the root of any problem. From 4 am to 6 am our brain function works at 100%.

In the morning, the Creator gave us 3 friends:

  • Stillness
  • Solitude
  • Silence
Why do you have to wake up at 5 in the morning?

No matter what we do in the morning, our productivity increases compared to other times and the output of any work done in the morning is three times higher than at other times.

We have 3 states of mind:-

  1. Theta state - In the theta state our work energy is very low and at this time we don't want to do any work and our mind wanders very quickly. We are usually in the theta state at night.
  2. Alpha state: In the alpha state we give 100% effort and 60% of our work is done. We are normally in the alpha state during the day.
  3. Beta State/Flow State: The beta state of the flow state is the most productive state. This condition is the most productive time for the 3S (silence, solitude, stillness). In beta, cortisol (stress hormone) is reduced and dopamine and serotonin (happy hormone) are released. It takes no more time than beta status to get the most out of your work or study if you can start your morning at 5am.

Waking up at 5 in the morning will increase your productivity and make you a happier person. Well, think about how you would feel if you could get all of your daily work done in the first 3 hours!

It allows you to do what you want at other times of the day. Because you will have a lot of free time.

So we should all get into the habit of getting up at 5 in the morning. Only then will our life become completely beautiful.

Good morning to everybody.


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