Best Personal Development Books

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Personal development is the new self-help. It's much better. If you are looking for the best personal development books, you may be wondering how you survived so long, read on!

These are my favorite personal development books on the planet and I think you'll love them too.

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

The first Elizabeth Gilbert book in my self-love journey. Big Magic is talking to you like he’s your wise old friend who wants nothing more than to add some more air under your wings. Over the years, my biggest obstacle and obstacle to my creativity has been my fear of justice.

Elizabeth's book embraces the loving arms around her and allows me to share all my creativity with the world because nothing is perfect. Ever.

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Rising Strong

I started listening to Brian Brown's Rising Strong (my second book on hearing aids) and by then I knew his words were talking to me. He talks about the challenges in his life and coming back after defeat. The brain is teaching me not to fear my weakness, but to embrace it, because it is the only way to a full life.

This is why personal development books are amazing: they don’t try to “fix you”, they tell you how to adjust your flock and get out of the storm.

In the process, I learned a lot about who I am. I realized that all this time I thought I was weak, in fact I was very strong.

I’ve come through huge battles in my life and I’ve come out on the other side. And it’s something to celebrate.

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