Free Online Courses : Physics

Get free physics courses from the world's top universities. You can download these audio and video courses directly to your computer or MP3 player.
  • Fundamentals of Physics – YouTubeDownload Course – Ramamurti Shankar, Yale
  • Fundamentals of Physics II – YouTubeiTunes VideoiTunes AudioWeb Site – Ramamurti Shankar, Yale
  • Introduction to Astrophysics – YouTube – Josh Bloom, UC Berkeley
  • Introduction to Cosmology and Particle Physics – Web – Sean Carroll, Caltech
  • Introduction to Cosmology – iTunes – James Bullock, UC Berkeley
  • Introduction to Solar System Astronomy – iTunesFeed – Richard Pogge, Ohio State
  • Introduction to Physics – Web – Carnegie Mellon
  • Classical Physics – YouTube – V.Balakrishnan, IIT Madras.
  • Exploring Black Holes: General Relativity & Astrophysics– YouTube – iTunes Video – Edmund Bertschinger, MIT
  • Modern Theoretical Physics: Classic Mechanics – YouTubeWeb – Leonard Susskind, Stanford
  • Modern Theoretical Physics: Quantum Mechanics (2008) – YouTube – Leonard Susskind, Stanford
  • Modern Theoretical Physics: Quantum Mechanics (2013)– iTunesYouTubeWeb – Leonard Susskind, Stanford
  • Modern Theoretical Physics: Special Relativity –YouTube – Leonard Susskind, Stanford
  • Modern Theoretical Physics: Special Relativity (2013) – iTunesYouTubeWeb – Leonard Susskind, Stanford
  • Modern Theoretical Physics: Einstein – YouTube – Leonard Susskind, Stanford
  • Modern Theoretical Physics: Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity (2012) – iTunes VideoYouTubeWeb
  • Modern Theoretical Physics: Cosmology (2009) –YouTube – Leonard Susskind, Stanford
  • Modern Theoretical Physics: Cosmology (2013) – iTunes VideoYouTubeWeb – Leonard Susskind, Stanford
  • Modern Theoretical Physics: Statistical Mechanics (2013) – iTunesYouTubeWeb – Leonard Susskind, Stanford
  • Quantum Electrodynamics – Web Site – Richard Feynman, Presented at University of Auckland
  • Quantum Entanglement Part 1: (Video) – YouTube – Leonard Susskind, Stanford University
  • Quantum Entanglement Part 3: (Video) – YouTube – Leonard Susskind, Stanford University
  • Quantum Mechanics – iTunesWeb – JJ Binney, Oxford University
  • Quantum Mechanics – iTunesFeed – John Terning, UC Davis
  • Quantum Physics Made Relatively Simple – Videos – Hans Bethe, Cornell University
  • Quantum Theory – YouTube – Prasanta Tripathy, IIT Madras
  • Physics I: Classical Mechanics – Web Site – Walter Lewin, MIT
  • Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism – Video Download Web Site – Walter Lewin, MIT
  • Physics for Future Presidents – Web – Richard Muller, UC Berkeley
  • Physics for the 21st Century – Web – Matthew H. Schneps – Harvard/Smithsonian
  • Science and Cooking: From Haute Cuisine to the Science of Soft Matter – YouTube – Team taught, Harvard
  • The Mechanical Universe – PBS Video – Cal Tech
  • Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe – iTunesFeed – Richard Pogge, Ohio State
  • String Theory and M Theory – YouTubeiTunes Video – Leonard Susskind, Stanford
  • The Character of Physical Law – WebYouTube – Richard Feynman, Cornell
  • The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol. 1: Mainly Mechanics, Radiation, and Heat – Text/Web – Richard Feynman, Caltech
  • Wave Physics – Web – F. Romanelli (University of Trieste)


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