Medicine eBooks Online : Neurology and Psychiatry

Medicine eBooks Online : Neurology and Psychiatry

If you are looking for books on neurology and psychiatry to advance your knowledge, here is a list in various formats available for free download or online reading from the best universities and publishers for all students around the world:

Advanced Topics in Neurological Disorders
edited by Ken-Shiung Chen, 2012, 242 pp, 8.9MB, PDF

Alcohol-Use Disorders
British Psychological Society, 2011, 612 pp, 2.7MB, PDF

Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, 2010, PDF

Advances in the Neuroscience of Addiction
edited by Cynthia M Kuhn, George F Koob, 2010

All of a Piece: A Life With Multiple Sclerosis
by Barbara D. Webster, 1998

Anger Management for Substance Abuse and Mental Health Clients
by Patrick M. Reilly, at al. 2002, 66 pages, 520KB, PDF

Animal Models of Cognitive Impairment
by Edward D. Levin, Jerry J. Buccafusco, 2006, 400 pages

Anxiety Disorders
edited by Vladimir Kalinin, 2011, 324 pp, 4.5MB, PDF

Anxiety Disorders
National Institute of Mental Health, 2009

Assessment of Performance Measures for Public Health, Substance Abuse, and Mental Health by Edward B. Perrin and Jeffrey J. Koshel, 1997

Atlas of Brain Perfusion SPECT
by B. L. Holman, P. K. Chandak, B. M. Garada, 1994

Atlas of the Brain
by Rand S. Swenson, Dartmouth Medical School, 2009

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
British Psychological Society, 2009, 664 pp, 3.9MB, PDF

Antenatal and Postnatal Mental Health
National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health, 2007, 369 pages, 3MB, PDF

Basal Ganglia: An Integrative View
by Fernando A. Barrios, Clemens Bauer (ed.), 2013, 116 pp, 3.2MB, PDF

Beyond Belief: Alternative Ways of Working with Delusions, Obsessions and Unusual Experiences by Tamasin Knight, 2009, 50 pp, 920KB, PDF

Biology of the NMDA Receptor
edited by Antonius M Van Dongen, 2009

Borderline Personality Disorder: Treatment and Management
National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health, 2009, 557 pp, 1.7MB, PDF

Brain Aging: Models, Methods, and Mechanisms
edited by David R. Riddle, 2007

Brain Facts: A Primer on the Brain and Nervous System
Society for Neuroscience, 2008, 80 pp, 1.6MB, PDF

Broadening the Base of Treatment for Alcohol Problems
Committee on Treatment of Alcohol Problems, Institute of Medicine, 1990

A Cognitive-behavioral approach: Treating cocaine addiction
by Kathleen Carroll, 2000, 127 pages

Common Mental Health Disorders
British Psychological Society, 2011, 312 pp, 1.4MB, PDF

Comparative Effectiveness of Smoking Cessation Treatments for Patients with DepressionDepartment of Veterans Affairs, 2010, 83 pages, 940KB, PDF

Complementary and Alternative Medicine Treatments in Psychiatry
by D. Stradford, G. Vickar, C. Berger, H. Cass, 2012, 111 pp, 620KB, PDF

Controversies in the Addiction’s Field
by Ruth C. Engs, 1990

Critical Care in Neurology
by Kitchener, Hashem, Wahba, Khalaf, Zarif, Mansoor, 2012, 119 pp, 670KB, PDF

Delirium: Diagnosis, Prevention and Management
Royal College of Physicians, 2010, 447 pp, 4.1MB, PDF

Depression in Adults with a Chronic Physical Health Problem
British Psychological Society, 2010, 422 pp, 2.2MB, PDF

Download Of Psychiatry
by Saxby Pridmore, 2006, PDF

Dream Psychology: Psychoanalysis for Beginners
by Sigmund Freud, 1921

Drug Addiction Research and the Health of Women
by Cora L. Wetherington, Adele B. Roman, 1998, 581 pages, PDF

Drugs, Brains, and Behavior: The Science of Addiction
by Nora D. Volkow, 2009, The National Institute on Drug Abuse

The Dynamic Synapse: Molecular Methods in Ionotropic Receptor Biology
edited by Josef T Kittler, Stephen J Moss, 2006

Eating Disorders
British Psychological Society, 2004, 261 pp, 1.1MB, PDF

Electrochemical Methods for Neuroscience
edited by Adrian C. Michael, Laura Borland, 2007

Elements of Clinical Psychology
by William Flexner, 2004

Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience
Scholarpedia, 2009

The Epilepsies: Seizures, Syndromes and Management
by C.P. Panayiotopoulos, 2004, 542 pages

Eye, Brain, and Vision
by David H. Hubel, 1995

Family Involved Psychosocial Treatments for Adult Mental Health Conditions
by Laura Meis, et al., 2012, 210 pp, 1.8MB, PDF

Freud and the Scientific Method
by Paul Rosenfels, 1980

From Molecules to Minds: Challenges for the 21st Century
edited by Matthew Hogan, Bruce Altevogt, 2008, 90 pages, 530KB, PDF

Generalised Anxiety Disorder in Adults
British Psychological Society, 2011, 465 pp, 2.1MB, PDF

Healing the Hurt Within
by Jan Sutton, 2008, 486 pages

Helping Patients Who Drink Too Much: A Clinician’s Guide
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 2005, 1.6MB, PDF

How to Make a Complete Map of Every Thought you Think
by Lion Kimbro, 2003, 131 pages, 460KB, PDF

Human Brain Function
edited by J. Ashburner, K. Friston, W. Penny, 2003, PDF

Hypericum and Depression
by H. H. Bloomfield, M. Nordfors, P. McWilliams, 1996

Hypochondria: Woeful Imaginings
by Susan Baur, 1989

Hysteria Beyond Freud
by Sander L. Gilman, Helen King, Roy Porter, G. S. Rousseau, Elaine Showalter, 1993

In Vivo Optical Imaging of Brain Function
edited by Ron D Frostig, 2009

Indwelling Neural Implants: Strategies for Contending with the In Vivo Environment edited by William M. Reichert, 2007

Instinct And The Unconscious
by William H. R. Rivers, 1920

An Introduction to Epilepsy
by E. B. Bromfield, J. E. Cavazos, J. I. Sirven, 2006

Invisible Wounds of War
by Terri Tanielian, 2008, 499 pages, 2.9MB, PDF

Jasper’s Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies
edited by Jeffrey L Noebels et al. 2012

Lateral Interactions in the Cortex: Structure and Function
edited by J. Sirosh, R. Miikkulainen, Y. Choe, 1996

Lucid Dreaming
Wikibooks, 2008, 50 pages, 0.2MB, PDF

Medication-Assisted Treatment For Opioid Addiction in Opioid Treatment Programs
US Dept. of Health and Human Services Staff, 2005, 356 pages, 1.3MB, PDF

Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General
edited by Howard H. Goldman, at al. 2000

Mental Health: Culture, Race, and Ethnicity
U.S. Public Health Service, 2001, 217 pages, 1.6MB, PDF

Methods for Neural Ensemble Recordings
edited by Miguel AL Nicolelis, 2008

Military Psychiatry: Preparing in Peace for War
edited by Franklin D. Jones, et al. 1994, PDF

Motor Neurone Disease
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, 2010, 127 pp, 1.6MB, PDF

Multiple Sclerosis
Royal College of Physicians, 2004, 213 pages, 980KB, PDF

Multiple Sclerosis: Current Status and Strategies for the Future
Janet E. Joy and Richard B. Johnston, Jr. 2001

The Neural Bases of Multisensory Processes
edited by Micah M. Murray, Mark T. Wallace, 2012

The Neurobiological Basis of Suicide
by Yogesh Dwivedi, 2012

Neurodegenerative Diseases
by Uday Kishore (ed.), 2013, 628 pp, 16MB, PDF

by Marvin Sodicoff, 2009

Neuroimaging of Human Brain Function
National Academy of Sciences, 1998

Neuromuscular Disorders
by Ashraf Zaher, 2012, 270 pp, 11MB, PDF

Neuropsychopharmacology: 5th Generation of Progress
edited by Kenneth L Davis, Dennis Charney, Joseph T Coyle, Charles Nemeroff, 2002, PDF

Neuroscience of Psychoactive Substance Use and Dependence
by World Health Organization, 2004, 286 pages, 1.9MB, PDF

Neuroscience: Science of the Brain
The British Neuroscience Association, 2004, 60 pp, 4.6MB, PDF

New Insights into Anxiety Disorders
by Federico Durbano (ed.), 2013, 444 pp, 4.9MB, PDF

No Miracle Cures: A Multifactoral Guide to Stuttering Therapy
by Thomas David Kehoe, 2006, 196 pages, PDF

Of the Evolution of the Brain
by Allessandro Treves, Yasser Roudi, 2010, 50 pages, 1.3MB, PDF

The Origin and Development of Psychoanalysis
by Sigmund Freud, 1910

Pathogenesis of Encephalitis
by Daisuke Hayasaka, 2011, 344 pp, 16MB, PDF

The Patient’s Guide to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia
by Bruce F. Campbell, 2006, 264 pp, online html

People With MS and the Courage to Give
by Jackie Waldman, 2009

Peripheral Neuropathy
by Nizar Souayah (ed.), 2013, 164 pp, 1.6MB, PDF

Pharmacological Treatment of Mental Disorders in Primary Health Care
World Health Organization, 2009, 82 pp, 880KB, PDF

Preventing Drug Abuse among Children and Adolescents
National Institutes of Health, 2003, 49 pages, 710KB, PDF

Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment
by Alan I. Leshner, 1999, 56 pages, 240KB, PDF

Psychoanalysis: Its Theories and Practical Application
by A. A. Brill, 1922

Psychological and Pharmacological Treatments for Adults With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
by Daniel E Jonas et al., 2013, 760 pp, 5.9MB, PDF

Psychology of the Unconscious
by C. G. Jung, 1916

Psychopathology of Everyday Life
by Sigmund Freud, 1901

Psychosis with Coexisting Substance Misuse
National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health, 2011, 328 pp, 1.5MB, PDF

by Hugo Münsterberg, 1909, 321 pp, multiple formats

Review of Clinical and Functional Neuroscience
by Rand S. Swenson, 2006

The National Institute of Mental Health, 2009

Schizophrenia in the 21st Century
edited by T.H.J. Burne, 2012, 180 pp, 5.3MB, PDF

Self-Harm: Longer-Term Management
British Psychological Society, 2012, 416 pp, 1.8MB, PDF

Speech-Language Pathology: Stuttering
Wikibooks, 2006, 161 pages, 590KB, PDF

The Theory of Psychoanalysis
by C. G. Jung, 1915

Transient Loss of Consciousness Management in Adults and Young People
Royal College of Physicians, 2010, 429 pp, 3.5MB, PDF

The Whole Brain Atlas
by Keith A. Johnson, J. Alex Becker, 1999

Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease
by Inga Zerr (ed.), 2013, 484 pp, 15MB, PDF

Understanding Anxiety Problems
by Terry Dixon, 2011, 41 pp, 230KB, PDF

War Psychiatry (Textbooks of Military Medicine)
by Franklin D. Jones, at al. 1995, 515 pages, PDF

WHO Guide to Mental and Neurological Health in Primary Care
World Health Organization, 1996

Women and Depression: Discovering Hope
The National Institute of Mental Health, 2009


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