WBCS Syllabus Pdf Download

The WBCS 2020 syllabus is discussed below. The West Bengal Public Service Commission will conduct the West Bengal Civil Service (WBCS) examination. Candidates who have applied for the West Bengal Civil Service Examination can consult the WBCS syllabus on this page. Find all the details here and download the WBCS syllabus. Learn about upcoming events as well as official announcements about the WBCS curriculum. See all details about the WBCS curriculum on this page to help you prepare well for the WBCS exam.

WBCS Syllabus Pdf Download

WBPCS Preliminary Examination was held at various centers in West Bengal districts. Darjeeling can be chosen as the center only by the candidates belonging to the Darjeeling district and three mountain divisions: Darjeeling Sadar, Mirik, and Kursiang.

The WBCS Prelims syllabus has eight subjects/themes. There are 200 (MCQ) here. Each subject is awarded 25 points. The duration of the test is 2.5 hours. Preliminary is not just a selection test and your grade is considered for the final selection. The Commission in its notice has clearly indicated that the preliminary examination assesses the level of knowledge as a graduate of any faculty of a recognized university.


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